Friday, July 30, 2010

Not in the Curriculum

In light of the approaching first day of school of my last year of high school, I recently decided to assess a few things I have learned from school that were not in the curriculum.

5. Cliques exist everywhere
My school likes to pride itself on being one that accepts all despite race, color, creed, all that jazz. That’s quite a lovely thing to put on say, the school website, but once inside of the school, one would find that statement only half true. Everyone in my school is accepted by someone. Someone being the operative word. The ever so subtle presence of cliques may have escaped the teachers notice, but can be seen everywhere; the lunch room, class room setting and at school assemblies. Sad but true, cliques exist. Everywhere and it is my opinion that eradicating them is a fools mission.

4. Life is a popularity contest
Enough said.

3. Some people seem to get away with everything (and will probably continue to forever)
My Catholic high school required that all students wear plaid skirt or black slacks, white socks, and closed-toed shoes. Apparently I missed the memo stating the dress code was code for; blue jeans, green socks and sandals. One might suggest that instead of getting angry, I should just get even. No, because then see, I would be a hypocrite. Oh well.

2. Male teachers cannot say no when you ask to go to the bathroom
At my all girls high school, are were three phases (as far as menstrual cycles go). Phase I: Acting like you are on your period. One does not necessarily have to be on their period to do this, but actions/attitudes might lead one to think you are. Phase II: Expecting your period at any moment. That time of the month is near and with every pang in your stomach, you are convinced that you have just started your period and at any moment will produce the Red Sea right there between your legs. Phase III: Actually being on your period. Agony? I think yes. During any of these given phases, you may be inclined to raise your hand and ask to make a quick break to the bathroom. If you are in the class of a male teacher and ask to use it, you will undoubtedly get a yes. Males are weird and always like to assume we females are menstruating, so to spare themselves the awkward conversation (or even a death stare), they will hastily respond “yes” to your request.

1. Good friends always forgive you
At one point in time, I unconsciously ignored some of the best friends I will ever have. It was so bad that I did not realise I was doing it. I had recently found a few new friends who, let's just say, I let take over my social life and brainwashed me into excommunicating my friends. In the end, they double teamed and kicked me out. I had no where to go but back to my good friends who gave me a well deserved lashing welcomed me back with open arms nevertheless.

Needless to say, not everything you learn in school is taught by your teachers, nuns, tutors or what have you. And I'm more likely to use these five things I have learned than I am to use say, Geometry.