Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today I Decided...

Today, I decided to be happy no matter what. Because wallowing in self-pity only makes it worse.

Today, I decided to stick around for better or for worse. Because once you leave, you'll be hard pressed to come back.

Today, I decided to speak my mind. Because nobody can read it for me.

Today, I decided that I am in control. Because without control, there can be no hope of progression.

Today, I decided to be confident. Because I can.

Today, I decided that people are all we have

Today, I decided to hope. Because though frail, it's hard to kill.

Today, I decided that love was the answer. Because it conquers all.


  1. Today I decided I love you. No wait, that was yesterday. No, wait, longer than that.

    I love you.
