Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In the Money Essay

Many of us would give almost anything to change one thing of our past. I am no exception. For many years, I looked to peers whom I for whatever reason considered better than myself to decide what was acceptable for me to wear, say, and sadly, what I could think. I was merely a chameleon, mimicking the lives of others. I was wary of what people would think of the real me, but more importantly I was afraid of myself. I was hesitant to reconcile my own potential as an individual and hampered many of the things I should have let flourish. I did not grow out of this and realize that I could be my own person until my freshman year. That year, I unearthed the beautifully unique person within myself and discovered that it was perfectly fine to simply be myself. The first days of high school were the first steps into what I would soon see as a new and exciting chapter of my life. Then it dawned on me that the world was not in need of any more conformists, rather, change and those who change the world and are not afraid to be themselves. Though I failed to be an individual, the past cannot be altered, and second chances in life are a rare opportunity. However, we all possess the ability to choose our actions and attitudes in the future.