Monday, August 2, 2010

One Casserole and a Lesson Later (BEDA day #2)

After the cantankerous tone of yesterday’s blog, I have decided to start off today’s blog with a poem.


If you try to reach inside of your heart
you can find forgiveness, or at least the start
And from that place where you can forgive
is where Hope, and Love, also thrive and live

And with each step that you try to take
and with that chance that your heart might break
Comes so much happiness, and so much strength
which alone can carry you a fantastic length

For hate and anger will not get you there
and though you say that you just don't care
You can easily avoid the pain on which hate feeds
...the kind of hurt that no one needs

Just make the move, take that first stride
let go of the thing known as "Foolish Pride"
Maybe then you can start to repair the past
into something strong, that will mend, and last!

Two blog posts ago, I created a list of five things I learned in school that were not in the curriculum. The final being that good friends always forgive you. Well, Maggie, in response to the question at the end of your blog post today, today, I learned that the same holds true to not only friends, but people who genuinely care about you. Be they; your parents after you broke your great aunt Bernice’s urn, your slightly confused significant other cowering in the corner during your third emotional break down this week, or even your orange tabby cat you neglected to feed yesterday, they will forgive you! A great thing to learn in one day if you ask me.

I am ashamed to say that over the last four days, due to elements even we women cannot control, I have been careless with the feelings of those most dear to me. Though the storm cloud emotions have passed, and the rainbow is shining through, I hope to not have to re-learn this lesson next month.

I would also like to go on record and say that thanks to one Darius Grayer, the smell of tuna noodle casserole (aka tuna nuna casserole), which I have been craving like a pregnant woman for four days, has wafted my way and created a turban of deliciousness around my head like I’m Lord Voldy’s parasite.

Life is good what you make it, so make it good.


  1. Was that an original poem? It was very good!

    My comment from yesterday still stands, and I would like to add that I love your description of the scent. A lot.

    Huggles and many *mwahs*,

  2. best period ever? i think so :]
