Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Resolutions

The beginning of summer is like New Years. Everyone makes lists of things they "will" get accomplished before the start of school. Admittedly I do it too. However, I regret to report that this summer was by far the worst (as far as accomplishing things goes).

At the beginning of the summer I resolved to do all of the following;

Create a canvas collage of all my favorite pictures and hang it on my wall.
Finish my summer homework in a timely fashion.
Read at least two good books.
Learn to play "Fawkes the Phoenix" on cello.
Clean my room one good time.
One college visit.
And spend as much time as possible with all of my favorite people.
Throw my boyfriend a surprise birthday party.

A few weeks after the start of summer, due to unpredicted circumstances, the list had to be edited. First of all, my boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party and I was faced with a lovely gift and equally challenging task of constructing an acceptable art studio in my basement. I also made a new friend. Acquaintance, rather.
So, the list was changed as follows;

Create a canvas collage of all my favorite pictures and hang it on my wall.
Finish my summer homework in a timely fashion.
Read at least two good books.
Learn to play "Fawkes the Phoenix" on cello.
Clean my room one good time.
At least one college visit
And spend as much time as possible with all of my favorite people.
Throw my boyfriend the birthday party of his dreams.
Hang out with my new acquaintance.
Complete my basement studio.
Blog every day in August

Now, here I am, eight days before the start of term, and here is what I have accomplished;

The canvas collage idea left with June.
My summer homework has yet to be completed.
I not only read two good books, I read the entire Harry Potter series (not in chronological order).
My cello instructor left me with little opportunity for independent study.
I have not cleaned my room, but I made a start by organizing my socks.
Colleges remain to be visited.
I failed miserably at spending time with my favorite people and would not think less of them if they have formed a secret society with the sole mission of murdering me.
I did manage to throw my boyfriend a fantastic birthday party.
My "new acquaintance" slowly turned into my "not-so-secret stalker"
And my basement studio... I'd rather not talk about.
Blogging. Fail. Failblog.

I feel like a ne'er-do-well. If I can't get things accomplished during the summer... Sigh. I'd rather not think about it.

I feel that my greatest accomplishment was completing the entire Harry Potter series. It is indeed a wonderful story and I recommend it to all.


  1. I, too, still need to finish my homework. At least your service hours were finished ages ago. I figured mine, out, by the way. It's all good.
